
Sometimes the smallest thing can grind a machine and a job-site to a standstill. You can call around and hope you find somebody out their knows what you’re talking about and that they can actually get it for you?

You can go online and order it from some anonymous website and then just cross your fingers that the right piece will show up on time, or at all. Or you can just email or pick up the phone and connect at F&W.

Our parts team are walking, talking encyclopedias of machine parts and knows exactly what we have in stock, where to get whatever part you need (no matter how old or obscure) and how to get it to you as quickly as possible.

The right part, at the right price with the shortest possible turnaround time is never farther away than a quick call to the F&W parts department.


Contact Parts

jenn-kelloggJenn Kellogg
Parts Manager

Phone: 203-795-0591
Fax: 203-795-4708
Email Jenn

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